Dear Dr Phakathi
Congratulations, your paper ““Getting on” and “getting by” underground: Gold miners’ informal working practice of making a plan (planisa)” published in Journal of Organizational Ethnography has been selected by the journal’s Editorial Team as the Outstanding Paper of 2013.
We aim to increase dissemination of such a high quality article as much as possible and aim to promote your paper by making it freely available for one year. I will contact you again with further details once the paper is freely available.
The Outstanding Paper award also gives us a chance to promote your article via social media, marketing campaigns and at conferences. You may also wish to spread the news of your success by letting your friends and colleagues know, or perhaps mentioning it in your e-mail signature. More tips on how to promote your work are available on our website:
As an Outstanding Paper winner you will receive a certificate. Where possible, we like to organise for you to be presented with your certificate in person. We will be in touch with you shortly in the hope that we can organise a presentation soon.
Again, many congratulations on your award. We will be in touch with you regarding our plans to promote and present your award very soon.
Best wishes,
Emma Hollindrake
Academic Relations Assistant | Emerald Group Publishing Limited